9:00pm Thursday, July 27th 2023

QRSTV is a newfangled socio-entertainment experiment of broadcasting live television in an effort to stimulate brain activity. 

Performers include Chad Hopper, Amanda Jones, Emily Summerfield, Andy Miller, and Kevin Pope

Amanda Jones was lured to Austin 18 years ago by the creative weirdos she encountered at COTFG. Now she carries on the creative weirdness as a  curator of art shows and experiences at Collection Rert with Chad.

Chad Hopper is an Aries that spends his days and nights playing Scrabble and making art. He also enjoys eating strawberries and gets nervous when climbing ladders.

Emily Summerfield is a baked bean sandwich made with premium white bread toast. She is the lunchtime delicacy of your dreams. Handle with care

Andy Miller is a person who has created and performed with Andi Skeemax and the Slow Jams, Ouiness, Black Ocean Parking Lots, Night Viking, PLAYVISION, himself, other people, and you.

Kevin Pope is an Austin native that has been part of the experimental music and art scene for many years. He records under the name Epop Nivek and is also a member of Night Viking  and Pataphysics.